On this webpage you will find lots of useful links with additional information which you may find helpful: 

  • GMFA (Resource for gay men with frank sexual advice and information as well as information on HIV, living with it, and sexual safety)

  • GMFA (Resource for gay men with frank sexual advice and information as well as information on HIV, living with it, and sexual safety)
  • I want PrEP now (Information on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis)
  • THT (Charity for sufferers of HIV, resource for education, support, and more)


  • NHS Apps Library (apps and online tools to help you manage health and wellbeing)

  • GMP - Claire’s Law (Information on Claire’s Law the domestic abuse disclosure scheme)
  • Get self-help (Self help resource for those suffering with problems to do with their psychological wellbeing)

  • 15 Square (Foreskin and circumcision advice)

  • Think U Know (Resource for young people or teachers/carers about staying safe online)